As Seen in the News: Women & Pop Culture
A look at how much the news covers popular culture, and what place is given to women in these spaces.
Why We Should Be Paying Closer Attention to Pop Culture
A conversation with British researcher Nathalie Weidhase on gender in popular culture and media, and what role journalism plays in how women see themselves.
Women in Politics: Does the News Perpetuate Misrepresentation?
Since 1995, there has been a growing number of women running for office, getting elected or designated as representatives. Let’s take a look at how the representation of women in politics and in political news evolved over the years.
Women’s Health in Numbers: It Isn’t Just About Reproduction
Finding data reflecting women’s and girls’ reality is tricky, especially when it’s about a field that has a long history of considering men’s and boys’ experiences as the default human experience. Still, we tried.
What does International Women’s Day mean in 2023?
Three organizations that work daily to achieve gender equality (Equal Measures 2030, Equimundo and Women in Global Health) tell us what March 8 means to them.