What Place for Women-Led Journalism in Afghanistan? A Conversation With Zahra Nader
The editor-in-chief of independent Afghan news outlet Zan Times tells us about how the project started in 2022 and how it operates today, with women journalists reporting on the field, under the Taliban rule.
2022: A Turning Point for Women in the News?
Afghan reporters Mariya Shahsawar and Haanya Malik, US-based editor Francesca Donner, and French gender expert on media and head of Communications at the International Federation of Journalists Pamela Morinière reflect on the past year and what it means for the future of journalism.
Women are often forgotten or excluded from decision-making spaces. Yet when they are present, it does make a difference. The proof is in the data.
Women & Peace: Four Interesting Angles as Seen in the News
A selection of articles looking at conflicts and peace through a gender lens.
Laura Aumeer: “If We Don’t Include Women, We Miss Out on Half the Expertise in the World”
The Europe-Asia department director at Conciliation Resources says women play an essential, but often under-recognized, role in peacebuilding. She gets into the why and the how, and shares some resources and tips for sharper, more inclusive conflict-related stories.